Day 28 - Melbourne bound

Today was the final driving day.  We set off for Melbourne taking a stop on the way to see one of Lyns old friend and neighbour in Mount Elisa.  Joy took us to her beach club where we spent a couple of hours paddling in the sea and having lunch. 

Then back into the car to the final stop og Melbourne.  We dropped the car, haven driven nearly 2000km  and checked into the Savoy hotel. 

It's a lovely hotel and a great place to spend the last two nights of our trip. 

This evening after much map studying we were able to get on the right tram to travel out to meet with an old work colleague and friend, Janelle. 
 Who together with James hosted us in their lovely home.  We spent a lovely evening with them and their friends, who made us feel really welcome. 
Tomorrow is the last full day of this trip so we are going to try and pack in as much as we possibly can. 

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