Day 26 - There is gold in them there hills

Today after breakfast in the apartment joined by Joey and after nearly colliding with one of his mates on the road out of the resort, we set off on the four and a half hour drive to the next  destination of Walhalla.

Walhalla is an interesting place, gold was discovered here in 1862   At its peak Walhalla was home to over 3500 residents. in 1914 as the gold yields dried up it was abandoned.  Today there are 20 living  residents, with the properties that remained restored to how they would have been during the gold rush.   

We had a walk up and down the one street reading all about the history,  we even braved one of the old tracks that was quite over grown. 

Scared faces in case there were  any snakes. 

We are staying at the star Hotel after dinner we went on a ghost walk in the pitch black and back along some of the tracks that we had been so scared of.   We also learnt alot about the town.  I didn't see any ghosts but I did go very cold a one point, and lyns light switched itself off and back on....

Tomorrow onto Philip Island. 

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