Day 25 - Tie me Kangaroo down

We left Merimbula and headed South to Gypsy  point and Mallacoota. We  spent the day visiting view points and the temperature was only 21 so some of the skies were more angry.   
At the quay the Pelicans were waiting for hand outs from the fishermen, they were massive. 

We eventually checked in to our lodge for the night and there are amazing views from the verandah.

We also had some visitors in the garden a family of Kangaroos, super exciting. 

Together with other wildlife, Galahs, King Parrots and Lorikeets  

We went to have dinner at what from the outside looked like a run down boat shed (Gipsy Point Lodge)  and in fact we had one of the best meals of the trip.  I forgot to take pictures of all the courses but here is dessert.

 The view was also amazing 
The very friendly staff were telling us that there were Koalas in the trees and as we were leaving the owner came and got us as she had spotted a mother and baby up a tree.   It was truly a magical moment. 
Not sure how we are going to top today, tomorrow we are off to Walhalla an old gold mining town in the hills.  

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